Help nomadic pastoralists outreach stop from random movements with cattle and children in Tanzania

NOPADEO is Nomadic Pastoralist`s Development Organization which started in 2014 as CBO (Community Based Organization and now working as NGO (Non Governmental Organization). This Organization began in Mbarali District, Mbeya Region.
The purpose is to reach all Nomadic Pastoralists in Tanzania Mainland in Africa for developments in this modern and fast changing world. Our vision is to see that current nomadic pastoralists communities are settled and thus can benefit from social services as human rights.
Nomadic pastoralists includes the following tribes:
- Maasai,
- Barbaig (Mang’ati),
- Taturu, and
- Sukuma
These tribes by nature they were used to be a Nomadic through their consent for pasture and water for their cattle and human being. Nowadays they are forced to move because of the increasing population of human being and agriculture, which means farms and human settlement or population that being a factor for land disputes between the agriculturalists and pastoralists, which forces many pastoralists to quit for and walking far to find a new areas for their survive. Also others ought to be removed for government planning, in order to be removed for some areas so that the government planned for other business like game reserves, national parks or recreational areas.
For this way of nomadic pastoralists have lost their homeland (their areas), their experienced land, infrastructure, economic privileges or status and therefore they are failed to do their developmental activities like schooling their children and to get other social services like water and dispensaries as well as “josho” (spray) for tick control for their cattle. This organization of nomadic pastoralist development organization (NOPADEO) has been established for helping these pastoralists to understand the importance of community not to move from one destiny to another and to promote them to get land for settlement, their cattle and to easily on getting other social services like water for cattle and settlement and raise awareness among them to eliminate all bad customs and norms that goes against human rights and advocating them to get their rights and make them enjoy good life for every Tanzanian.
This organization is working in Tanzania Mainland which begins from Mbarali District in Mbeya Region to Iringa around Ruaha National Park.
To see Nomadic Pastoralists communities are settled and benefit from social services and human rights.
- To encourage pastoral communities’ access and use of the land for residential zoning and feed and use other opportunities to get rid of existing economically.
- To encourage community educate children without discrimination, from primary schools, secondary and colleges.
- To educate pastoralist communities know human rights and their constitutional rights.
- To provide social services like Schools, health care knowledge on HIV and veterinary Services plus community with water to people and livestock.
- To educate the community on environmental protection based on the best farming productivity and arbitrary abandon farming as alternative way of life.
- To educate communities to eliminate poor traditional practices.
NOPADEO, provides and promotes education for girls and boys among the nomadic pastoralists in Tanzania and providing scholarships for disabled and orphans children by supporting pay school fees, help build schools or do some maintenance in Primary schools NOPADEO says,“Don’t sell girls for cows but sell cows for children’s education”. - HEALTH CARE
NOPADEO is aware of pandemic and epidemic diseases affecting the nomadic pastoralists and their cattle of which these tribes connects with superstitions belief. NOPADEO joint hands with other health institutions to provide enough health care knowledge among Nomadic Pastoralists. - ECONOMY AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP
NOPADEO works to empower nomadic pastoralist women and girls in Tanzania through economic opportunities. In improving their livestock keeping and agriculture, sale of handcrafts Jewelery as well as Micro-finance projects as poverty reduction through their savings groups. - LAND RIGHTS
NOPADEO makes land laws, land rights and land regulations known among nomadic pastoralists so that they cannot be affected and lose their cattle by paying a lot of penalties or confiscated, shot and be killed by land owners of this land knowledge increased land disputes between livestock keepers and farmers in Tanzania. The Nomadic pastoralists understanding on land is that, God created the land so they have the rights to move to any place where there is enough pastures and water even close the boarders - HUMAN RIGHTS PROTECTION
NOPADEO is against any inhuman rights and undemocratic activities among nomadic pastoralists done among them or done to them by different bodies instead of providing them knowledge and their rights of living in their beautiful country like Tanzania and world wide. NOPADEO protects and gives light to these societies. - WATER SUPPLY PROJECTS
One of the reason nomadic pastoralists tribes to move from one area to another to the forbidden areas like national park is the luck of water in their areas, NOPADEO organization working to raise funds to provide water for domestic and cattle use in their areas to stop random movements, by drilling wells or dams as we prepare them to accept the industrial country. the gift of water is the gift of life. - ENVIROMENTAL PROTECTION
“Keep the environments so that environments can protect your life”, is a slogan very known in Tanzania. This knowledge is limited among these tribes so is to be spread among nomadic pastoralists in Tanzania so that they cannot feed cattle near the few water sources and cut all the trees around their areas, to control climate change. - CULTURAL AND TRADITIONS
NOPADEO promotes and help keep good traditional ways of life and respect their identity among nomadic pastoralist that even attract cultural tourism and raise their economy but we are against female genital mutation (FGM) which some time done openly or secretly among these Nomadic pastoralists tribes, NOPADEO working to stop this customs by providing knowledge on health care and human rights activities.
The head office of NOPADEO organization is in Matebete Village, Mbarali District in Mbeya Region of Tanzania, Africa.
