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TE KUNDEY, is a Maasai young girls who had a dream to be a Science teacher from Primary school.
Her parents failed to pay school fees for her and planed early marriage and trade her for cows.
A journalist followed her at her home and tried to support her for school, she did not want to join training as a Tailor because her dream was to be a teacher, so she has visited Namnyaki girls Secondary School journey for her dream.
This is how you can made Maasai Girls live their dreams by supporting them and help pay for their school fees at Namnyaki Secondary School.

Click the image below to watch video of her story
(and learn some Swahili language):
massai girls education school tanzania


Help us to reach all Nomadic Pastoralists in Tanzania Mainland of Africa to assist them in adjusting in today’s modern and fast changing world.

Our vision is to see that nomadic pastoralist communities are settled and can benefit from social services and all human rights.